Taiji private class

Appropriate the principles of Taiji thanks to meticulous assistance in correcting your positions and optimizing the flow of energy through your body. Thanks to personalized help, it will be easier to become aware of energy blockages and your bad habits while advancing at your own pace.

It is possible to take private lessons for 1 person or semi-private in mini groups of 2, 3 or 4 people. The formats are 1 or 2 hours, an afternoon or a full day. Prices are offered on request

Tuishou private class

Easily appropriate the principles of Tuishou by feeling the principles applied to your body and that of the teacher. By knowing the desired sensation and being guided to reproduce it, you will be able to appropriate these principles and apply them in your practice.

It is possible to take private lessons for 1 person or semi-private in mini groups of 2, 3 or 4 people. The formats are 1 or 2 hours, an afternoon or a full day. Prices are offered on request